5 Interesting Facts About Car Accidents

Have you ever received the chilling call from your loved one? You know, the moment your phone rings and even though you normally answer it, for some reason you feel like you really need to answer it. Or when you answer a phone call like normal and as soon as you hear the “hey” or “hello” you feel your stomach drop to the floor because you know something has gone wrong. Our Los Angeles Car Accident Attorneys at Compass Law Group, LLP know all too well that sick feeling. Just like any traumatic experience, there are teams of people to help. Our legal team is one of your final steps to victory and recovery.

We know that getting into a car accident is traumatizing physically, mentally, and emotionally. Car accidents are exhausting for all involved, but they can also be a burden to your community. Here are some interesting facts about car accidents that you may not realize:

  1. When cars collide the whole community is involved. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, in 2010 the cost around $1 trillion in loss of productivity and life. From fixing destroyed public property to paying investigators, car accidents aren’t just about the drivers and passengers. Car accidents are a community effort.
  2. 2015 was the deadliest year for drivers. Prior, 2008 held the highest ranking. The year 2015 also held the highest bicycle and pedestrian accidents too.
  3. The first thing you must do in a car accident is to call the police. The authorities will document in detail all that happened. The National Highway Traffic Safety Association believes that around 10 million crashes go unreported. This means people are getting hurt or injured and not taking the proper steps necessary to get the compensation they deserve.
  4. 2015 may have been the deadliest year, but 2016 was the highest in death related incidents due to speeding. That is a 4% increase from 2015. Speeding continues to be one of the leading causes of fatalities.
  5. Good news: injuries are declining. The automobile industry is learning and adapting its vehicles to handle accidents better. People are surviving more accidents due to these vehicle improvements.

If you or a loved one is suffering from an injury due to a car accident, your next step is to get legal assistance. Most car accident injuries and costs are paid through private insurance companies. About 26% is paid by the individual victim of the crash. Don’t fall into the trap of 26%. If you were injured in a car accident due to the negligence of someone else then you should not foot the bill. Our Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyers will ensure that your medical bills, transportation to medical appointments, and other bills are paid by the person who was responsible for your injuries.

Without our help, you are looking at carrying the burden by yourself. Don’t let the insurance companies bully you into believing that you must shoulder the burden.


Find out if you have a case in a few minutes, call us at (310) 289-7126

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