6 Top Personal Injury Categories

If you or someone you love has been injured due to the negligence of someone or some party, you may be searching for a personal injury attorney. Personal Injury Attorneys are amazing advocates who ensure that you are getting treated fairly by the person is responsible for your injury. When searching for a personal injury attorney, you want to choose someone who specializes in your situation. Our Los Angeles Personal Injury lawyers at Compass Law Group, LLP have over 6 practice areas. Some of these practice areas also have sub areas because they require more specific attention.
If you or someone you love is suffering from injury our Personal Injury Attorneys are ready to share our wisdom and award-winning service with you. Here is a list of our top 6 personal injury categories:

  1. Catastrophic Accidents: If you have been injured in an accident which resulted in a life-changing injury then you may be dealing with a catastrophic accident. Our Personal Injury Attorneys specialize in brain injuries, burn injuries, cervical injuries, spine injuries, paralysis injuries, and lumbar injuries. These cases require special care which our offices are equipped to handle.
  2. Dog Attack Injury: We know that furry friends are the best, but sometimes they can cause severe damage. From children to the elderly, dog attacks do not discriminate. There are certain defenses a dog owner can take in order to abstain from responsibility. There are strict liability laws surrounding dog attacks. By engaging with legal assistance you chance at winning a case drastically increases.
  3. Motor Vehicle Accidents: Insurance companies are just like any other business. Insurance companies negotiate. Don’t be fooled by their planned amounts. Having a strong advocate by your side is the difference between financial help for most of the bills and getting the compensation needed for all the bills.
  4. Premises Liability: As consumers, we have certain rights. One of those rights is to occupy a space safely. If for some reason space is not safe or is dangerous and you get injured, the property owner is responsible for your injuries. Don’t be intimidated. We can help assess your situation and get you started on a plan to success.
  5. Product Liability: We use products every day. Not all products are perfect and can malfunction. This can result in injury. Having a strong advocate can help two-fold: one, help you get compensation for your injury and two, get that product off the shelves to protect other consumers.
  6. Wrongful Death: Our most challenging and rewarding cases are getting justice for those who no longer have a voice. If you are dealing with the loss of a loved one then you need a legal team who is willing to listen and ready to fight.

We believe in providing the best options for our clients. If you are ready to start your journey with an award-winning team, we are ready for your story.


Find out if you have a case in a few minutes, call us at (310) 289-7126

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