Car Wreck Stuns Shakers Diners


A bizarre car crash on Fair Oaks Avenue the morning of July 10, 2018, left diners at the South Pasadena Shakers restaurant stunned as they watched it unfold. Two drivers were traveling along Fair Oaks when their cars collided, causing the driver of one of the cars—a red Toyota sedan—to hop the curb in front of the restaurant and come to a halt in front of its window. The driver of the other vehicle—a silver-toned Nissan—was reportedly unharmed. The Toyota’s driver was reported to have complained of possible injury, and first responders had to evacuate the woman through the passenger door of the vehicle and provided a neck brace to stabilize her on-scene. The front end of the Toyota sustained notable damage during the accident, while the damages to the Nissan are not yet known.

Accidents happen, but someone is generally at fault

No one wakes up in the morning thinking they would like to get into an auto collision that day, but accidents do happen despite our best efforts. We have to share the roads with other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists, and sometimes these other people can behave in hazardous ways that result in a serious car accident. It is rare that any accident is without fault, so if you are in a crash and you think someone else’s negligent actions were to blame, you may want to talk to a car accident attorney to learn more about your legal rights.

Even minor crashes can have major consequences

Even a supposedly minor, low-speed crash can lead to long-lasting pain and suffering. Whiplash, for example, is a soft tissue injury that you may not notice until several days have passed since your accident—but the pain it causes can last for weeks or even months, and treatment options are limited. Small-scale injuries can leave long-term scars on our bodies. However, our bodies are not the only things that can be hurt by a car accident.

Property damage and physical injury are only a part of it

Many people experience emotional trauma when involved in a car crash, and they may feel reluctant to get behind the wheel of a car again—or drive near the site of their accident—following an auto collision. Psychological trauma stemming from a car accident can mean long-term suffering and a pile of therapy bills.

How a dash cam can help after an accident

Although dashboard cameras cannot prevent accidents from occurring, the footage they provide can help law enforcement professionals and legal professionals establish fault in the crash. Some accidents happen in broad daylight with a lot of witnesses present to testify as to what they saw, but other accidents may happen without a soul in sight, leading to a case of he said, she said in the courtroom. Use of a dash cam can prevent this by showing the circumstances surrounding the accident in real time.

Contact a Los Angeles County car accident attorney if you have been injured in a crash

If you or someone you know has been injured in an auto accident, contact a qualified Los Angeles car accident attorney who specializes in getting injured victims the compensation they need and deserve following a car crash. The lawyers at Compass Law Group, LLP can help you find out what you may be entitled to as an accident victim, and they offer consultations free of charge.


Find out if you have a case in a few minutes, call us at (310) 289-7126

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