Cars, Vans, and Trucks, Oh My!

With over 6.7 million drivers in Los Angeles, it is only time before one vehicle hits another one. Car accidents are scary, even the small ones. Fender benders are little reminders that you should stop texting and start paying attention. When a car hits another car, at lower speeds, the fatality decreases, but what happens when a car is hit by a semi-truck? What if at a higher speed?
It doesn’t take a scientist to look at a semi-truck compared to a car, and see that one is heavier than the other. Large trucks often weigh 20-30 times more than a car. They can also cause tremendous damages at high or low speeds because of their height. They have a greater ground clearance than cars. This means smaller cars can fit under trucks. Thus creating a catastrophic situation. Another factor to consider is the amount of time truck drivers are in their vehicles. There are regulations that suggest that truck drivers should not drive more than 11 hours. However, it has been proven that drivers tend to work past these hours. This causes severe problems like driver fatigue. Deadlines for product and traffic often stress drivers into driving more than the allotted hours. This can prove fatal to surrounding cars.
Another factor in truck accidents is their braking capacity. Many cars who zip in and out of traffic fail to realize that when the car breaks it does not carry as much as weight as a large truck. There is more force pressing onto a truck when it brakes, which can cause some serious damage to multiple cars. You may have not been the one to cut off the large truck, but if you are in front of the car who did this, or directly behind the truck, you can be put into some serious danger.

I’ve Been Hit, Now What?

At Compass Law Group, LLP in Los Angeles we have a strict no-pay policy until a case is resolved. We want our Los Angeles residences to know that we are on your side. We want what is best for you and because we don’t get paid until the end, you know that we are working on the best strategy. Call us at (800) 602-4010 to get started on your free consultation.
In order to successfully win this case, we must prove that the driver of the car as not recklessly passing or performing other detrimental acts which would then show why the semi truck hit the vehicle. By proving that the passenger car was maintaining the regular rules of the road, we are proving the truck driver was negligent and/or reckless. This shows the court that the truck was in the wrong and not the car. This ensures that you walk away with a victory, peace of mind, and just compensation. We understand that these kinds of cases can take time. This is why we do not charge you until the case is resolved. At Compass Law Group, LLP in Los Angeles we want to take care of you.


Find out if you have a case in a few minutes, call us at (310) 289-7126

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