Car accidents are no fun. Whatever you had planned for that day is out the window because all your time is now focused on getting your car to the shop or maybe yourself to a hospital. Car accidents are so frequent in California that one happens every 1.2 minutes. Injuries from an accident can range from superficial to fatal. But what if the car accident caused you to die for the second time?
An Eerie Series Of Events
Driving at night can be extra dangerous. Not only are you worried about pedestrians or bicyclists in dark clothing, but people are more likely to drive under the influence at night than during the day. In general, the night time is when people like to play and that can be dangerous for you. On a night in mid-November, a mortuary delivery service van was transporting a body in Palmdale when a Kia ran a red light at a high speed and slammed into the mortuary van. A passenger in the mortuary van was a 59-year old man who died on the scene. Another van from the mortuary had to pick up the already deceased body. It is as if the poor deceased was killed twice from the hit of the car.
The Kia struck a light pole, ran over a fire hydrant, and finally stopped as it hit a brick restraining wall. The 19-year old driver of the mortuary and the 23-year old KIA driver were transported to the nearby hospital in critical condition. The KIA driver isn’t showing a promising sign of surviving, but only time will tell. An accident like this is being investigated for substance abuse of either alcohol or drugs. The police are also checking to see if anyone was wearing seat belts. This kind of tragedy is difficult because if the responsible driver were to die then the surviving driver or the family of the deceased passenger can sue the estate of the driver. The person responsible is still held responsible regardless if they are physically present or not.
What To Do
If you or someone you love was injured in a car accident, then seeking a Car Accident Attorney at Compass Law Group increases your chances of success greatly. Most car accidents are just conversations between insurance companies. The insurance company will say “ok, the contract says that we will pay for X, so here it is”. However, just like any good business, insurance companies provide negotiations, not ironclad choices. However, if you do not have someone on your side to help navigate the negotiations, then you may not get the result that you deserve.
Call (800) 602-4010 or click here to start your free consultation with our professional attorneys at Compass Law Group in Palmdale today. We have a sophisticated and educated team that is willing to work tirelessly for your case. Let our professional staff worry about the details while you recover. One of our mottos is we know money is tight, so we don’t get paid until you do.