Drowsy Truckers Cause Accidents

Have you ever tried to stay up for 24 hours straight? For some, it is easier than others. If you are dealing with a high paced job like retail or a bartender, you may be used to staying up for hours. But have you ever tried to stay up that long driving? Driving is an interesting way to pass the time. Some people love driving long hours on the road because it relaxes them. They enjoy seeing the countryside or they just hate flying that much. Truck drivers are a special kind of driver. They are required to take certain tests before driving their trucks. They are required to meet certain standards of the road, but sometimes those standards are broken for the sake of money.
Our Torrance Truck Accident Attorneys at Compass Law Group, LLP have seen our fair share of tragedy when representing clients in truck accidents. We have seen our clients and their families suffer major consequences because a truck driver was negligent when driving. When you are driving a 70-ton Semi-truck a simple mistake like crossing over the line or swerving can cause a drastic accident. Cars and SUVs don’t stand a chance. All you can really think is was it really worth it? Was it worth getting those extra hours in for extra pay after a fatal accident? Abe Attallah says no, but companies don’t care.

The Truth About Drowsy Driving

Truck drivers are paid by how quickly they can get from A to B. They are paid while they are driving and not while they are sleeping. However, there are legal mandates that require truck drivers to take 10-hour breaks between drives. This is good in theory, but you don’t need a 10-hour break in between 1-hour drives. Attallah was asked to drive a long haul. After his long haul, he took the 10-hour break. He said he slept well. His next assignment was really close, yet he was required to take another 10-hour break. The third haul was going to be a long trip too. Because he was so well rested from the first 10-hour break, Attallah was unable to sleep or rest during the second shift. When it came to driving the third trip he got tired and pulled over.
Attallah called a dispatcher to tell them that he was too tired to drive the rest of the way. His call was not received well. Dispatchers tried to convince him to drive and even threatened that his pay would be docked. Eventually, another driver was sent out to finish the route since the company is legally obligated. Attallah was met with much resistance. Imagine if someone wasn’t as strong? What if he kept driving?

What To Do

If you or someone you love is suffering from a truck accident then you need legal representation who is ready to fight for you.


Find out if you have a case in a few minutes, call us at (310) 289-7126

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