How Does the Coronavirus Pandemic or Covid-19 Impact Your Personal Injury Case?

Our firm’s mission is to provide proper guidance to our clients, and that mission resonates during times like these. We want you to know that our office is fully operational and open. Thanks to technology, our office staff is practicing “social distancing,” while still providing guidance and legal assistance for all our clients remotely. In addition to being available via telephone, e-mail, facsimile, and text messages, we are available for Facetime/Skype/Zoom meetings.

How does Covid-19 Impact Your Personal Injury Case?

Many of our clients have voiced a concern for how this unprecedented time may impact their personal injury case. We understand how difficult it is to deal with a personal injury case, let alone worry about how a pandemic may affect the treatment available, or the final result of a case. Governor Newsom’s “Shelter in Place” Executive Order means we all must avoid going outside for any non-essential purpose, and medical care and resources are being prioritized for the sickest individuals. Consequently, many medical providers have closed their doors or stopped providing any non-emergent pain management procedures or surgeries. Beyond that, many of our state’s courts have either completely shut down or remained open with only emergency availability.

How can I receive medical care for my injuries?

Maintaining your health is the greatest priority. As such, we recommend not leaving your homes to seek treatment unless advised to do so by a physician. For those individuals who cannot wait for treatment, we have chiropractors, physical therapists, pain management physicians, and surgeons that are providing Telemedicine appointments. With Facetime, Skype, Zoom, etc., you will still be able to receive medical care and guidance from the safety of your own home. For those for whom telemedicine is not an option, Compass Law Group has secured a list of doctors, chiropractors, and physical therapists across California that have remained open with enhanced sanitization and safety protocols.

If I can’t receive all my medical care, will my settlement be hurt?

If you have procedures and surgeries that are now on hold and cannot be solved with Telemedicine, rest assured that this forced gap in care will not hurt your case value. Insurance companies will undoubtedly argue that there are gaps in care or note that less care is being administered and attempt to devalue claims. These arguments are foolish and baseless. Compass Law Group will rightfully and vigorously argue that you need medical care, and are unable to receive it. Instead, you are being forced to live in pain and suffering for what is now an extended period. These arguments are indisputable, and we will not allow an undeniable worldwide phenomenon to be overlooked as cause for any lapse in care, much less allow insurance companies to use it to their advantage.

How Does Covid-19 Impact Your Personal Injury Case in Terms of Delay?

While Compass Law Group will continue to push your case forward at an aggressive and efficient pace, it is possible that there will be delays. Many courts in California have closed and all trials have been suspended for at least 30 days; however, insurance companies and their lawyers, like our office, are still operational and working remotely. Telephonic and/or video depositions, mediations, and telephonic court appearances are still possible and happening. We will continue to leverage every tool at our disposal to see your case to a speedy resolution.

We understand that this is still an ever-evolving scenario, making it a scary and unsettling time for all injured parties. If you or anyone you know has a personal injury claim and needs guidance, please let them know that the Compass Law Group team is here for them more than ever.

We’re wishing you all remain safe and healthy throughout this difficult time. We’re all in this together.

Contact us today for additional details!


Find out if you have a case in a few minutes, call us at (310) 289-7126

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