How to File a Truck Accident Claim in Los Angeles: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to File a Truck Accident Claim in Los Angeles

Getting behind the wheel of a 2,000-pound piece of metal comes with an inherent risk. Vehicular accidents are more common than you think, and one of the most dangerous kinds of accidents are the ones involving a semi-truck. A semi-truck accident, or simply a truck accident, is an accident involving either a semi-truck, bus, or delivery truck. These commercial truck accidents can be more dangerous due to the size of the truck involved, and the repercussions of these accidents can be detrimental and scary.

Due to the severity of these accidents, it is crucial to be aware of the process of filing a truck accident claim in Los Angeles. Knowing the basic steps can make sure that you earn the compensation that you deserve. This post will go over what a truck accident is, the repercussions of these accidents, the basic steps of what to do after a truck accident, how to file a claim, and answer some commonly asked questions regarding the claim filing process.

Truck Accidents Happen Frequently, Resulting in Unfortunate Consequences

Semi-trucks can be 20 to 30 times heavier than your average sedan or SUV civilian car, and they are significantly bigger and longer. This means that accidents involving a truck can have much more serious injuries for the parties involved. Victims can struggle with long-term repercussions such as pain and mobility issues, and in the worst cases, these accidents can lead to death. Some of the most common types of injuries from truck accidents include the following:

  • Broken bones
  • Cuts and gashes
  • Back and spinal cord injuries
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Crush injuries
  • Internal damage to the organs

Commercial Truck Accident Fatalities and Injuries Statistics in California

In 2023, California experienced around 5,782 truck accidents. Truck accidents are classified as vehicular accidents that involve either a delivery truck, a bus, or a tractor-trailer truck. These accidents also saw a large number of injuries. Out of these accidents, there were reports of around 4,800 total injuries sustained and 321 total fatalities.

These numbers are alarming, and it means that California had one of the highest counts of truck accidents in 2023, with Texas being the only state to have a higher rate. Getting behind the wheel has an inherent risk of getting into an accident, and in California, that risk of a truck accident is a very real concern.

Factors Contributing to Los Angeles Commercial Truck Accidents

While the number of truck accidents happening throughout the state is unnerving, there is no singular explanation as to why it is so high. There is also no singular party at fault. The blame is not all on truck drivers or entirely on civilian drivers, getting behind the wheel of a vehicle comes with an inherent risk. There are a number of factors that play into this statistic, and being aware of them could help keep you safe on the road. Some of these factors include the following.

  • Failure to maintain control of the truck
  • Speeding
  • A trailer that is inappropriately loaded
  • Distracted driving
  • Falling asleep behind the wheel
  • Reckless driving
  • Negligence from any party involved in the accident
  • The influence of alcohol, drugs, or prescription medications
  • Driving in a semi truck’s blindspot

Understanding The Truck Accident Claim Process in Los Angeles, California

Finding yourself in a truck accident can be scary, and the thought of having to file a claim may not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, it is very important to begin the claim filing process as soon as possible to ensure that everything is documented properly and you earn the compensation that you deserve. The filing process can vary from state to state, so it is crucial to be aware of your state’s filing process after a truck accident.

Trying to figure out all of this can feel overwhelming, but do not worry. If you have recently been involved in a truck accident in the city of Los Angeles, here is what you will need to know.

Steps to Take Immediately After a Truck Accident

  • Make Sure That You Are Safe: Pull off onto the side of the road or into an open space away from the current traffic. Check yourself for any injuries and their severity.
  • Report the Accident: Call 911 and report the accident to the authorities. If you need medical attention, the dispatcher should send them your way along with the police.
  • Seek Medical Attention: If you are seriously injured, inform the 911 dispatcher and they will send emergency medical services to your location. They can also give you an assessment to determine the severity of your injuries.
    Gather Information: Collect the contact information and insurance information of every party involved in the accident, as this will be used later on when filing your claim.
Steps to Take Immediately After a Truck Accident
Truck Accident Claim Process
  • Document the Scene: Collect as much information about the accident as you can, including pictures of your vehicle, the location of the accident, and any visible injuries to your person.
  • Collect Eyewitness Statements: If there were any witnesses to the accident, get their statements on what they saw and record them in the police report.
  • Maintain Thorough Records: Be as thorough as you can be in collecting information surrounding the accident. Even if it does not seem that important at the moment, get a record of it. You never know what information you may need later.
  • Don’t Admit Fault: Be careful with what you say to the authorities making the police report. Do not admit fault for the accident and choose your words carefully.
  • Contact Your Insurance Company: Get in touch with your insurance company to file a report with them.
    Consult a Legal Professional: Find a local Los Angeles truck accident lawyer to help you navigate the legal process of filing a personal injury claim for the accident.

Pursuing Compensation Through a Truck Accident Claim

1. Consult With a Truck Accident Attorney
2. Perform a Formal Investigation of the Incident
3. File an Insurance Claim
4. Send a Demand Letter
5. File a Personal Injury Lawsuit
6. Go Through Discovery
7. Seek Resolution to Your Case
8. Appeal

Understand the Statute of Limitations for Truck Accidents in California

When pursuing truck accident compensation, it is important to keep in mind that you do not have forever to do so. You are on a time limit to file your claim and get your compensation, which is referred to as the statute of limitations. In the state of California, you have to file your personal injury claim within 2 years of the accident occurring.

If you are looking to file a claim for property damages, you have up to 3 years from the time of the accident. If you wait longer than that to try and file your claim, then the state will not let you. You will be unable to file a claim and receive any sort of compensation for the accident. This is why it is of the utmost importance that you file your claim within 2 years of the accident to make sure that you receive the truck accident settlement that you deserve.

What to Do in a Hit-and-Run Accident in Los Angeles?

Have you found yourself in a hit-and-run situation but you are not sure what to do next? Not to worry, we are here to help. We will go over what makes an accident a hit-and-run, what to do after this kind of accident, and who you should contact for help.

Read MoreContact Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyers Now

How Is Liability Determined In A Commercial Truck Accident?

Determining liability in a commercial truck accident can be a long and arduous process. Typically, law enforcement will conduct an investigation where they will gather evidence from the scene of the accident such as photographs, eyewitness testimonies, and evidence such as skid marks on the road. This evidence, along with data collected from the truck’s records, can help determine which party is at fault for the accident, which in turn will play a part in the amount of compensation that you can earn for the accident.

The Role of Trucking Companies and Insurance in Accident Claims

Working up against trucking companies and insurance companies during the claim filing process can be difficult and frustrating, as both of these entities will not back down without a fight. Trucking companies have a reputation for trying every trick in the book to shift the blame off of them and onto the drivers themselves or any other outside factor. In addition, insurance companies are not known for being charitable and handing out fair compensation. They too will not give you your money easily, and they are planning to fight you every step of the way.

This is why it is strongly encouraged to get in touch with a truck accident law firm in Los Angeles who can help you navigate the process and fight by your side.

What If The Truck Driver Was Violating Federal Regulations?

Truck drivers must abide by a series of federal regulations that are designed to keep themselves and other drivers safe on the road. If it is found that the truck driver was in violation of these regulations, then this will greatly strengthen your case. This could point towards the truck driver’s negligence and prove their liability in the accident. Your lawyer can check if the truck driver was in violation of these regulations by obtaining the truck’s logbook, maintenance records, and inspection reports.

How Can An Experienced Attorney Help With a Commercial Truck Accident Case?

Why should you work with an experienced attorney as you navigate the legal process of filing a claim? They are not just a source of legal advice, they know the legal system like the back of their hand. An attorney can help guide you through the complexities of the process, as well as join you in the fight against large insurance companies that are not going to give up easily.

Looking for a personal injury lawyer in the Los Angeles area who will step into the ring with you? Compass Law Group, LLP is your team of local attorneys who will point you in the right direction and guide you through the legal system. Our team is dedicated to fighting for the justice that you deserve, and we have the experience and skills to win your case.


Find out if you have a case in a few minutes, call us at (310) 289-7126

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