Road Rage And Your Safety

Driving around this area of California can be frustrating.
It can be really frustrating.
But that does not mean that you lose your temper while you are behind the wheel. If that happens, the consequences could be dangerous.
When Andrew Flanigan lost his cool, he was actually on his motorcycle driving down the road. He was mad at a driver in a sedan, so he kicked the vehicle while it was moving down the 14 Freeway in Santa Clarita.
The sedan then swerved, struck the center divider, spun back into traffic and hit a pickup truck. The pickup truck then flipped over before coming to a stop.
All of that because Flanigan got mad.
All of this was caught on video that went viral and police arrested him. Thankfully nobody was killed, but there were injuries. The situation could have been much worse, but it should have never happened in the first place.

Dangerous Roadways

When you get behind the wheel and head out for the day, the last thing on your mind is getting into an accident. Sure, you know accidents happen, but you drive safely and are careful. Unfortunately, you cannot control the actions of other drivers on the roadway around you.
In the case above, one man caused a chain reaction of events because of his reckless and dangerous behavior. The other drivers, especially the one in the truck, had no way to predict what was about to happen.
In California, there were over 250,000 people injured or killed in vehicle accidents during the latest reporting year. Closer to home, there were 1,011 injuries or fatalities in Santa Clarita in the same year.
Vehicle accidents are often caused by someone else’s negligent behavior. California drivers cite distracted driving as on of their main concerns on the roadway, even though nearly 50 percent of survey respondents say they have made a driving error while talking or texting on their phones.
Driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol has always been a danger to drivers on the roadways. If someone makes the choice to drink and drive, they are turning themselves into a dangerous weapon.
As in the case we mentioned above, aggressive driving and road rage incidents can set off a chain of events that can hurt so many people.

What You Can Do

We know that you have so much to deal with in the aftermath of an accident. If you are injured due to another driver’s negligence, are you sure that insurance will cover all of your damages and injury costs?
Hospital bills will pile up quickly. If you have to miss work, your lost income could keep you from supporting yourself and your family. At the Compass Law Group, we want to help you get the compensation you deserve.


Find out if you have a case in a few minutes, call us at (310) 289-7126

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