Road Rage SUV Flip Leads to Driver Arrest

Anyone who has been on the receiving end of even minor road rage can tell you how terrifying an experience it can be. Even having another driver make a rude gesture at you can be intimidating, so imagine how you’d feel if your vehicle was actually flipped over due to another driver’s anger. This exact scenario came true near Oceanside on Thursday February 15, when an SUV was overturned on eastbound Highway 78. Although the specifics of the incident aren’t known at the time of writing, cellphone video footage has led to one arrest, and possible misdemeanor charges for another person believed to have been involved.

Oceanside Road Rage Goes Viral

The video footage, which had clocked up 7 million views and 157,000 shares by 6pm on Friday February 16, was captured by another motorist, who witnessed the incident. In the video, a man can be seen standing on the shoulder, shouting at the driver of a Ford Escape SUV. Once the shouter returned to his own car, a convertible BMW, the Ford driver sideswiped the vehicle, before flipping itself over onto the shoulder. The BMW drove away, but was identified from the video.
California Highway Patrol officers have confirmed that a case involving the BMW driver, who could face misdemeanor charges, will be prepared and forwarded to San Diego County’s district attorney’s office, while the driver of the Ford Escape has been arrested and jailed on potential felony assault charges.

Had a Car Accident in Los Angeles?

Most car accidents don’t involve road rage to this degree – thankfully – but they are far too common. In 2015 alone, 251,000 car accidents were recorded on Californian roads, with 3,160 fatalities. Even where the driver causing the collision was lucky enough not to have actually killed another motorist, passenger or pedestrian, car accidents tends to involve serious injuries.
As an experienced Los Angeles car accident attorney, the injuries commonly encountered include:

  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Brain injuries
  • Concussion
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Internal bleeding
  • Organ damage
  • Lacerations and contusions

Even where the injuries appear to be minor, it’s important that all car accidents involving injury are reported immediately.

What Do You If You’ve Suffered Damages or Injury

As well as informing emergency services where appropriate, you should always photograph the scene of the accident, including damage to vehicles.
If you’ve been the victim of a Los Angeles car accident, you may find that your insurer isn’t your best option when it comes to seeking compensation. An experienced Los Angeles car accident attorney can carry a more in-depth, comprehensive investigation into the accident, rather than focusing mainly on minimizing costs.
With proper legal representation, you can rest assured that a Los Angeles car accident attorney will be dedicated to securing the compensation you’re entitled to, and deserve.


Find out if you have a case in a few minutes, call us at (310) 289-7126

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