School Principal Charged With Murder In DUI Crash

We are now learning that the Palmdale accident that took the life of 29-year-old Jessica Ordaz was likely caused by a drunk driver. Police have arrested Mary Noel Kruppe, the principal at a local elementary school. She has been charged with murder in connection with the crash, according to the LA County District Attorney’s Office.
The incident happened last week. Kruppe was driving southbound on 50th Street East when she supposedly veered into oncoming traffic. That was when she smashed head-on into a vehicle being driven by Ordaz.
If convicted of the charge, Kruppe faces a maximum of 15 years in prison.
At the Compass Law Group, we know that drunk drivers are just one of the many dangers motorists in and around LA face each day. If you need an auto crash attorney, you can count on our team to secure the compensation you deserve.

Statewide Numbers

California is a populated state, so we see hundreds of thousands of vehicle accidents annually. The numbers we want to focus on from the latest reporting year are these:

  • There were 3,623 fatalities as a result of vehicle accidents.
  • There were over 12,000 serious injuries. These include spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, major internal organ damage, broken and dislocated bones, amputations, etc. All of these require major medical care and have long recovery times.
  • There were over 1,000 speeding-related fatalities.
  • Alcohol-impaired drivers were responsible for 27% of all traffic deaths.

Living through an accident is one thing, but recovery is often a long and difficult road. If a person is disabled and unable to return to work, they may lose the income needed to support themselves and their families.
Vehicle accidents happen for a variety of reasons and not all of them are due to driver negligence. Too often though, preventable accidents happen because a driver makes a poor choice.
Sometimes that choice is to focus on a text message. Distracted drivers are dangerous drivers. Other times, a person makes the choice to drink and drive, and you saw the statistics listed above. You know how that usually turns out.
When careless or reckless drivers are on the road, it is not only other vehicle passengers who are in danger. It is also motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians in and around the roadway.

Your Options Now

If you or a loved one have been injured in a vehicle accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, you can turn to the trusted professionals at the Compass Law Group. Our team will work tirelessly to secure the compensation you need for all of your accident-related expenses. This can include money for medical bills, punitive damages, as well as pain and suffering damages. If you have to miss work because of your injuries, we will even work to secure money for the income you are losing.


Find out if you have a case in a few minutes, call us at (310) 289-7126

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