Swimming Pool Slip And Fall Hazards

One thing we know is that there are plenty of pools in and around the city. We know that the last thing on your mind is that you will need a Los Angeles premises liability lawyer, but the negligence of a property owner can cause major injuries around a pool.
At the Compass Law Group, our knowledgeable and experienced team is ready to get to work investigating what happened so we can secure the compensation you need. You should not be left holding the bills if a property owner’s negligence is to blame for what happened.

What we know can happen

We know that there are many businesses and establishments in and around Los Angeles that have swimming pools and hot tubs. This can include:

  • Hotels and motels
  • Waterparks
  • Gyms
  • Youth centers
  • Governmental agencies*
  • And more

*Pools owned or operated by governmental agencies may be protected from lawsuits due to governmental immunity.
The owners of these establishments have a responsibility to ensure that their pools and the areas around the pools are safe and secure. All too often we find that slip and fall incidents around a pool result in serious harm. This can include:

  • Slipping off of a diving board and striking the board or another surface
  • Slipping and striking the head against the side of the pool in the shallow end
  • Slips around the outside of the pool that causes a person to strike their head or another body part
  • Falling off of pool ladders

These incidents can cause major injuries, including:

It is vital that property owners who have pools follow all regulations regarding the safe operation of pools that the public has access to. This includes ensuring that all equipment in and around the pool is properly inspected and maintained.
Areas around the pool should have slip resistant surfaces, as should any stairs allowing patrons and enter and exit the pool. In many cases, drains around a pool get clogged. This can allow an excess of water to accumulate in certain areas, posing a slip hazard.

What we can do to help

We know that you never expected something like this to happen. Property owners need to take steps to secure their premises and ensure they are safe, especially if they have pools or hot tubs. At the Compass Law Group, we are here to help if you or a loved one have been injured in a swimming pool incident. Let us get to the bottom of what happened so we can secure the compensation you deserve. This can include:

  • Coverage of medical expenses
  • Recovery of lost wages if you are unable to work
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Punitive damages against the property owner


Find out if you have a case in a few minutes, call us at (310) 289-7126

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