Thinking of Uber? Think of These Risks First

In the modern age, ridesharing using services like Uber has become more and more popular for being trying to get around town. While before the “Uber era” people had to rely on taxi cabs, public transit or their own cars to get from place to place, now people can opt to swipe and tap a few buttons on a phone app to get the same services-often for less money. However, there are some risks associated with choosing to Uber overusing a cab, public transportation, or your own car, and some of these risks can lead to hazardous-even deadly-consequences.

Uber does not vet their drivers very strictly

When Uber hires drivers for its platform, the company does not engage in strict background checks, nor does it insist on meeting drivers before they are hired. This can result in unstable or unethical people being made responsible for other people’s lives. While Uber provides opportunities for otherwise non-professional drivers to earn some pocket money helping others reach their destinations safely, other Uber drivers abuse the system and use the opportunity to prey on their would-be fares.

Accidents attributed to Uber drivers are on the rise

Although one study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2016 showed that instances of drunk driving was reduced when Uber went into business, many other articles have shown that Uber drivers have been involved in many accidents since the company’s founding in 2009. According to the numbers published at the Who’s Driving You? website-a site dedicated to documenting news about ridesharing safety and holding rideshare companies accountable for negligence-more than 50 deaths have resulted from people taking Uber or Lyft since 2014.

Not all Uber-related injuries need be crash-related

Although Uber drivers have been party to dozens of car crashes since the company’s inception, car accidents are not the only risk clients take when choosing to use Uber for transit. There have been a multitude of assault allegations, including sexual assault allegations, made against Uber drivers. More frightening still is the number of firearms-related deaths of passengers at the hands of Uber drivers.

Should the Uber company be held liable for these incidents?

Considering that many companies are willing to pay out for basic background checks and even insists upon meeting new would-be employees in person, many people feel that Uber should take one or both of these precautions in an effort to ensure passenger safety. Whether or not Uber itself should be held liable for damages incurred as a result of traveling via their ridesharing service is up in the air-but that may not be the case for long. As Uber and other ridesharing programs grow in popularity, so will demand for regulation of the drivers the company employs.

What should do you do if you are injured while using Uber?

If you or someone you know have been injured in an Uber accident, document all injuries and consider seeking legal help. You may be qualified to receive financial compensation for the pain and suffering you underwent as a result of your injuries. Contact Compass Law Group, LLP to speak with an experienced Uber accident attorney in Los Angeles so you can find out more about your legal options as an accident victim.


Find out if you have a case in a few minutes, call us at (310) 289-7126

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