Truck Jumps Curb Injuring 9

Sidewalks are more than just concrete slabs. It is a legal battleground. Pedestrians are the only ones who can use a sidewalk. Pedestrians and animals. Bicyclists aren’t even allowed to use sidewalks. Skateboards and roller blades are tolerated, but sidewalks are prime pedestrian and pet territory. Rightly, so. Not everyone likes to drive or talk a vehicle to where they want to go. Some people grew up walking and have no desire to change. Others choose to walk for health reasons or they have no other choice. Whatever reason you have for using a sidewalk, you should feel protected and safe to use it. Our Crosswalk Accident Lawyers at Compass Law Group, LLP understand that pedestrians are just as important as those driving. We get that your choice to walk is just as valid as a driver’s choice to drive. You are not an inconvenience.

Random Act Of Violence

Whether the truck driver did or did not know what was happening, when a car drives up onto the curb and attacks pedestrians using the sidewalk, it is an act of violence. Sidewalks are clearly defined from the roadway. They are safe spaces for pedestrians to use in order to stay clear of the roadway. When that barrier is breached it is hard for people to feel safe around the roadway. Such was the situation of the red truck which jumped the curb injuring 9 pedestrians.
Once police arrived on the scene they knew that the driver was on something. After some investigation, it was proven that the driver was under the influence of drugs, not alcohol. The drug-impaired driver drove his Toyota Tacoma onto the curb and crashed into a tree. While driving onto the curb he crushed pedestrians who were using the sidewalk. Those who were injured were between the ages of 18 and 49. The injuries ranged from moderate to severe. For reference, minor injuries are typically those that can easily heal and most likely do not need medical attention. Moderate to severe injuries are those that do require medical attention and often recovery time that interrupts work and daily life schedules. The Anaheim man who ran over the pedestrians was unharmed and is under arrest for felony DUI causing great bodily harm.

What To Do

The truck driver is not the first to hurt pedestrians. Most car drivers do not yield at intersections when they should or take the time to let pedestrians walk. Drivers are impatient, distracted, or impaired. In order to walk safely, you almost have to carry a giant sign stating slow down or look before you drive. Pedestrians using the proper crosswalks and walking areas should never feel unsafe or get injured.
If you or someone you love has been injured due to a pedestrian accident then you are entitled to just compensation for your injuries. The negligent party should be held accountable for their erroneous ways.


Find out if you have a case in a few minutes, call us at (310) 289-7126

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