As experienced construction accident attorneys, the team at Compass Law Group, LLP is well-prepared to fight for the rights of those who have suffered construction accident brain injuries due to another party’s negligence or misconduct. We have a strong history of successful outcomes in a wide range of personal injury cases and will charge you no attorneys’ fees until we recover damages for you.
Whether you are struggling to recover from a construction accident brain injury, or your loved one is struggling to survive one, our highly skilled attorneys are ready to fight for your right to just compensation. If the worst has happened and you have lost a close relative to a fatal brain injury in a construction accident, we will file a wrongful death lawsuit on your behalf.
With very few exceptions, wherever you live in California, you are near some kind of construction site. Whether you work in construction, visit construction sites as part of your job, or just pass by them as you go shopping, to your place of employment, school, or when out for a stroll, construction sites can be as dangerous as they are interesting. This means that just about anyone can suffer a construction accident brain injury.
The Fatal Four Construction Accidents, Any of Which Can Result in Brain Injuries
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that the leading causes of deaths for construction workers are falls, being struck by an object, getting caught in-between two hard objects, and electrocutions. Any of these construction accidents can also cause brain injuries in individuals visiting construction sites (such as engineers, architects or delivery personnel) or simply passersby on an adjacent sidewalk.
While construction workers are at a high risk of falls from ladders, scaffolding, and beams, others not in the profession may trip, fall, and suffer brain injuries due to obstructive debris, dropped materials, or tools. OSHA reports that falls are the most common construction accident, accounting for nearly 38 percent of construction fatalities.
Struck by objects
Even when construction areas are fenced off, tools, equipment, and construction materials not properly secured can fall outward and strike those below, typically on their head, causing serious brain injuries.
Caught in-between
When materials, machinery or parts of buildings under construction fall, depending on their size, those below can be trapped under them. When victims are hit on the head, traumatic brain injuries may result. Individuals may also be caught in-between due to the collapse of a building under construction or because of materials thrown by an explosion.
While construction workers and visitors to construction sites are at greater risk of electrocution due to exposed wires, random pedestrians can also suffer brain injuries if they come into contact with live wires that fall outside of construction barriers.
No matter what type of construction accident has resulted in a brain injury in your case, the immediate and long-term consequences may be devastating and permanent. You can depend on our lawyers to protect your rights to compensation.
Types of Brain Injuries that Occur in Construction Accidents
Construction accident brain injuries include:
- Concussions, which are caused by a sudden blow to the head, occur either during a fall or by being struck by a heavy object. While victims can completely recover from mild concussions, severe ones, involving closed head injuries, can result in lifelong disability.
- Bleeding in the brain (also known as a brain hemorrhage) is caused by a severe contusion that causes a hematoma (bleeding inside the brain). Hematomas frequently require surgery to relieve the pressure.
- Lesions caused by electrical shocks often result in nerve damage that prevents transmission of messages between the brain and the rest of the body. This may result in partial or complete paralysis.
- Penetrating head wounds occur when flying projectiles from tools or debris penetrate the skull and become lodged in the brain.
Symptoms of Construction Accident Brain Injuries
A broad spectrum of symptoms are associated with construction accident brain injuries, including:
- Memory loss
- Cognitive impairment
- Sensitivity to light or sound
- Loss of consciousness
- Nausea or vomiting
- Difficulty with balance
- Blurred vision
- Seizures
- Sleep disorders
- Headaches, confusion, lightheadedness
- Irritability, anxiety, mood swings, or depression
Some of these symptoms appear immediately; others develop over time. This is why you need our skilled legal representation not only for your present situation, but to ensure that you receive damages to secure your future.
Compass Law Group Is Always on Your Side
No matter whose negligence resulted in your construction accident brain injury, our sharp lawyers are ready to protect your right to just compensation. If you or your loved one suffered a construction accident brain injury and another party bears the blame, we will target the at-fault person or entity (e.g. corporation or government entity) to recover damages for you and your family.
If you are a construction worker, even though, in most instances, workers’ compensation will provide benefits such as lost wages and medical costs, we may still be able to sue a third party for pain and suffering if you have suffered a disabling brain injury.
Damages Our Attorneys Will Fight For
As you are probably well aware, major brain injuries require hard core medical treatment and long-term rehabilitation, all of which is expensive. Such injuries also keep victims from working for extended periods of time, if not indefinitely. For this reason, construction accident brain injuries result in financial burdens as well as physical, mental, and emotional trauma.
Whether the responsible party is a construction company owner, an insurance company, a contractor, subcontractor or the manufacturer of defective equipment, we will work our hardest to bring you the damages you need and deserve for:
- Medical and rehabilitation costs
- Lost income
- Lost earning capacity
- Pain and suffering
- Permanent disability
- Pain and suffering
- Long-term care
- Loss of enjoyment of life
If you are suing on behalf of a deceased loved one, we will fight hard to obtain damages to cover final medical costs, end of life pain and suffering, funeral and burial/cremation costs, and loss of financial and emotional support.
Contact Our Experienced Construction Accident Attorneys Today
Our attorneys will handle all legal and logistical matters so that you can relax and spend your time recovering. Our number one goal is to provide you and your family with the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are in capable, compassionate hands. Contact us today!