Drunk Driving Accident

Compass Law Group, LLP is a personal injury law practice with a well-deserved reputation for success in winning drunk driving accident cases. If you have been seriously harmed by a drunk driver in California, contacting us may be one of the smartest actions you’ve ever taken. In addition to having first-rate credentials and having won numerous professional honor ary distinctions, our personal injury attorneys have the knowledge and litigation skills to win you the significant compensation you deserve.

In addition, you will find us accessible, efficient, and empathic. We know only too well how difficult your situation is, and how unfair. We share your anger that, in spite of reports by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) that drunk driving remains the leading cause of death on our nation’s roads, and the activism of organizations like MADD and SADD, reckless individuals continue to drink and drive.

Once we have all the information we need, we will build a strong case to win you every dollar of compensation you are entitled to by law.

How Our Drunk Driving Accident Attorney Can Help

When you come to Compass Law Group, we will provide you with the caring and effective legal representation you need by:

  • Listening attentively to your account of the accident
  • Reading police reports thoroughly
  • Investigating the accident site
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Examining your medical records
  • Consulting with any necessary experts
  • Reviewing any prior offenses of the driver who hit you

We Can Sue Even If the Drunk Driver Never Enters the Criminal Justice System

California takes drunk driving offenses very seriously and the driver responsible for your injuries may well be arrested and convicted if that individual has a blood-alcohol level of .08 or higher and/or is found to have drugs in his or her system.

It is important to be aware though, that even if the other driver is never arrested or convicted, we can still file a successful civil lawsuit. The bar is lower for a civil conviction than a criminal one, so we may still stand a good chance of winning.

What damages can I win in a lawsuit against a drunk driver?

Under California law, you are entitled to both economic and non-economic compensatory damages.

  • Economic damages cover monetary losses, including medical costs, nursing and rehabilitation, property damage, and lost income (present and future).
  • Non-economic damages address intangibles, such as pain and suffering, scarring or other disfigurement, permanent disability, loss of consortium or loss of enjoyment of life

In cases involving especially reprehensible behavior, the court may also award you punitive, also known as exemplary, damages. These damages are designed to both punish the defendant and to discourage similar misconduct by others.

What happens if I am partially to blame for the drunk driving accident?

Although there is no excuse for drunk driving, it is certainly possible that you bear some responsibility for the accident, for example if you were speeding or made an illegal turn. States handle this concept of shared negligence in various ways. In California, we adhere to the principle of pure comparative fault.

This means that in situations in which blame is shared, the court assigns a percentage of fault to each party. The injured person will still receive damages, but the amount awarded will be decreased by the percentage of that person’s perceived fault. Thus, if you are determined to be 20 percent at fault for your own injury and are awarded $1 million dollars, you will receive $800,000. The word “pure” in this context means that you can receive damages even if you are determined to be at greater fault than the other party.

Compass Law Group Will Fight To Give You a Fresh Start

The injuries caused by drunk drivers are as varied as they are horrible, ranging from compound fractures to internal injuries, from severe burns to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Your injury may incapacitate you for weeks or months or leave you functionally impaired for the rest of your life. You may have suffered loss of hearing, vision, cognitive ability; you may have been paralyzed.
You may have lost a loved one to the tragedy of wrongful death.

Rest assured that no matter how terrible your injury or how overwhelming your loss, contacting Compass Law Group will provide you with a path forward. Our talented drunk driving accident attorneys will fight tooth and nail to help you and your family to come away from this experience with the resources you need to adapt to your new challenges and proceed into a secure future.

Contact our drunk driving accident attorneys for a consultation regarding your case.

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