Catastrophic Accidents

Life-altering accidents of this magnitude which can lead to a catastrophic injury are often tough for families and friends to deal with, causing depression in victims which can lead to suicidal thoughts. Compass Law Group, LLP understands the road to recovery is long, sometimes more painful than other days, and work simply isn’t going to happen for many months, years, or perhaps never again. Our highly trained Los Angeles catastrophic accident attorney knows the future which you hoped to build for your family could be put on hold, which is why our goal is getting you a much larger settlement than injuries with lesser ramifications.

Don’t hesitate to fill out the contact form or call us at (310) 289-7126 and get in touch with one of our Los Angeles personal injury attorneys for a free consultation. We will discuss your case and help you immediately.


Accidents that are expected to permanently prohibit individuals from remaining gainfully employed are called catastrophic accidents, most of which occur while operating motorized modes of transportation.

Catastrophic injuries happen from numerous events. To name a few:

  • Falling off an unsecured, poorly constructed scaffolding hoisted 80′ above ground level.
  • Vehicular accidents that exceed 50 miles per hour.
  • Virtually all head-on motorcycle collisions where rider had no head protection.
  • Sports injuries resulting from faulty head, shoulder or leg protective gear.
  • Pool accidents where diving boards weren’t properly secured, causing massive head trauma.

This shortlist of catastrophic accidents gives you some idea of what our law firm handles.


Catastrophic Accidents Claims Process – Personal Injury

Unlike regular accident claims, litigating catastrophic accidents is both costly and lengthy. A much stricter standard of proof exists because the expected payouts for massive injuries could amass eight-figures. Because the rewards are much more lucrative, firms like Compass Law Group, LLP will front all expenses, including travel and investigations.

Due to the complexities and mounds of evidence needed to prove your claim, Los Angeles catastrophic accident attorneys will often employ large teams to help streamline the process. This doesn’t guarantee victory, but it means you’ll potentially see claims settled much quicker.

Understand that Compass Law Group, LLP works night and day to fight these more horrific accident claims. Bills won’t pay themselves when you’re incapacitated, nor will wages earn themselves. An entirely new lifestyle consisting of home healthcare, being fed and bathed, along with having limited mobility must be learned.

If there’s a feasible means for us to settle your case without fighting in court, we will attempt it. Families of victims must endure long testimony and cross-examination from opposing counsel, which is like reliving an entire accident without physically being there.


Learn More About Catastrophes We Cover

From severe burns to severed spinal cords, we’ve successfully litigated many catastrophes. Whether you or your loved one were injured while driving, working, vacationing or walking down the street, Compass Law Group, LLP will fight to defend those who cannot effectively settle matters themselves.

Navigate to these catastrophic accident types to learn what our firm does to recover compensation to victims.


How Compass Law Group Can Help

We hate hearing when good people of our community are injured so badly, they can longer function in society. However, the Los Angeles catastrophic accident attorney you can trust to fight tooth and nail for you is Compass Law Group, LLP.

Contact us to schedule your case evaluation with a personal injury attorney.

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