There are many documented, and undocumented, drowning deaths in the United States each year. World Health Organization statistics show that approximately 360,000 drowning deaths happen worldwide, or roughly 7% of all injury-related demises. Coastal-specific drownings across the United States cost $273 million, which mainly take the form of settlements and implementing safety precautions.
Compass Law Group, LLP sees many surviving loved ones filing claims because of accidents that could’ve been avoided with proper precautions like walls or more attentive lifeguards.
Los Angeles Accidental Drowning Attorney
If you find your loved one has accidentally drowned, call our Los Angeles accidental drowning attorney who care enough to fight aggressively to settle your case favorably.
Causes Of Accidental Drownings
Allowing unskilled, underaged or handicapped person unrestricted access to water sources leads to more accidental water deaths each year. While those who work closely in water – fishermen, underwater welders – have an increased risk of drowning, individuals who shouldn’t be allowed near water are given access daily, regardless if unintentionally.
There’s not enough legislation or company policy to prevent these tragic occurrences, although erecting walls with gated access may curb many accidental drownings. Teaching children water survival at early enough ages would also prevent many drownings, too, although lifeguards actually paying attention to swimmers under their care would be prudent, too.
Proving an accidental drowning takes patience and great detective work. Establishing duty and the responsible party who breached said duty means digging into camera footage, polling witnesses, and having everyone involved cooperating. Not all components happen at once; our Los Angeles accidental drowning attorneys can quickly gather facts and prepare your case.
As the second leading cause of unintentional death amongst 1-14-year-old children, it’s important for business owners and similarly responsible pool owners to take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent access to younger, less skilled swimmers.
Compass Law Group Pc Helps Drowning Families
Beach drownings, private pool parties gone awry, you name it: accidental drownings aren’t just happening at public waterways and rivers. Families often times have more questions than investigators can accommodate; our law office takes a holistic approach to every case, answering your many questions and explaining how we can recover compensation to offset burial costs, pain and suffering and wages lost resulting from your loved one passing away.
We do work to settle many cases pre-trial, because the last thing victims’ families want is to face perpetrators in court. With decades of negotiation experience and knowledge of premise liability, we can settle many claims long before they’re entered into court records.
Defective diving boards, electrocution, even too much suction in drains are just some reasons why accidental drownings can occur in hotel pools. Same could happen with private pools, although in those cases we’re forced to battle homeowners’ insurance policies.
Learn More About Premises Liability Cases We Cover
Regardless what circumstances led to your loved one’s unfortunate pool drowning, Compass Law Group, LLP has solutions to help you receive compensation. We take cases on contingency, which costs you nothing until we’ve successfully settled.
Contact Los Angeles accidental drowning attorneys who feel your pain.
We’re old enough to have the necessary experience, yet young enough to use the most cutting-edge technology and tactics, and are determined enough to fight and outsmart the other side, every time.