The Most Common Types of Uber Accident Injuries

types of uber accident injuries

Ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft continue to grow in popularity, especially in larger cities where hitching a ride can save you the hassle of dealing with traffic. Los Angeles roads can be congested and difficult to navigate, especially if you’re new to the city. If you want to spend the day exploring the city but want to avoid the headache of trying to find parking in downtown Los Angeles, Uber can be a convenient option.

However, as Uber continues to grow, so does the number of rideshare car accidents on the road. The more cars enter the road, the greater the risk of getting into an accident. Los Angeles Uber accidents can be dangerous and lead to serious injuries or even death. Common causes of Uber accidents include distracted driving, disregarding traffic rules, and a lack of spatial awareness while behind the wheel.

Want to learn more about Uber accidents and what to do in the event you find yourself in one? This article will go over the risks of injuries from an Uber accident, the types of injuries you can sustain, and the legal process of filing a claim after the accident.

Why Uber Passengers May Be at Increased Risk of Fatal Injuries

Whenever you pull out onto the road, there is an inherent risk of getting into a car accident. But what makes riding in an Uber more dangerous than riding in your friend’s car? Not only are Uber drivers more distracted while driving and using the app and maps, but they don’t go through any special training or certifications before Uber hires them. Many Uber drivers have less than a year of driving experience, and they are not vetted or checked before being hired.

In addition, they need to work long hours every day to make a livable wage, so they are at a greater risk of driving while sleepy. This impairs their driving abilities and puts them at a greater risk of getting into an accident.

How To Maximize Your Uber Accident Settlement

In this article, we will go over what an Uber accident settlement is, the damages and settlements that can come from the accident, and how to get Uber settlement money.

Most Common Types of Injuries Caused by an Uber Accident

While it’s important to talk about the risk of fatal injuries from an Uber accident, it’s not our intention to scare you from ever stepping foot in a rideshare service. As with other things in life, it’s important to be prepared and know what you are getting yourself into. Awareness of the potential types of injuries lets you better prepare for them in the event something happens. We will go over the common injury types and what to look out for.

1. Brain Injury Caused By Uber Accident

A traumatic brain injury from an Uber accident can range from a minor concussion to serious damage resulting in long-term repercussions. Any blow to the head, no matter how minor, needs to be taken seriously and addressed as soon as possible to prevent serious complications.

How Traumatic Brain Injuries Can Result from Uber Accidents

Even a minor fender bender can lead to a brain injury. Sudden jolts from sudden stops or collisions can cause damage to the brain, including concussions, brain bleeds, hematomas, and edema. Hitting your head on the car door, the seat in front of you, or even a serious torque of the neck can lead to a traumatic brain injury.

Symptoms of a Brain Injury

  • Dizziness or
  • Lightheadedness
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Cognitive Impairments Such as Brain Fog
  • Facial Paralysis
  • Chronic Pain
  • Altered Senses Such as Taste, Sight, and Hearing

2. Bone Fractures Caused By an Uber Accident

A broken bone from a car accident can range in severity and have long-standing repercussions. These injuries need professional medical attention as soon as possible to make sure the bone heals properly and you regain full range of motion.

Types of Bone Fractures

  • Closed or Simple Fractures: Simple fractures, also known as closed fractures, are breaks that do not include any open wounds. The bone is broken, but the muscles and skin are still intact.
  • Open or Compound Fractures: In comparison to closed fractures, open or compound fractures are broken bones that penetrate through the skin, resulting in an open wound. These fractures are more complex to treat due to the open wound.
  • Incomplete or Partial Fractures: Partial fractures occur when the bone bends and cracks but doesn’t completely break in half. These breaks are easier to treat as the bone doesn’t need to be reset to heal properly.
  • Complete Fractures: On the other hand, complete fractures are breaks where the bone fully breaks in half. These breaks are tough to treat because once the bone snaps, the muscles and ligaments in the area will pull the two pieces apart and misalign them. A medical professional will need to manually set the bone and position it so it can heal correctly.
  • Compression Fractures: These fractures typically happen when the spine is crushed or squished with enough force. It can lead to impacted vertebrae, which then cause damage to nearby blood vessels and nerves.

Who is Legally Responsible?

Determining who is legally responsible for the broken bone in an Uber accident can be tricky. Typically, responsibility for the break is the same party found liable for the accident, but with accidents involving Uber, it can be tough to determine liability. If the driver was off the clock, then they are personally held liable. If they were on the clock, liability could be placed on Uber. However, responsibility could also go to a third party involved in the accident.

Most Common Types of Injuries Caused by an Uber Accident
Most Common Types of Injuries Caused by an Uber Accident

3. Spinal Cord Injury Caused by an Uber Accident

The force of an Uber accident can cause significant damage to the spinal cord. These injuries can have serious long-term side effects and lead to more than just back pain for a few weeks.

Location and Severity of Spinal Cord Injuries

The severity of a spinal cord accident partially depends on the location of the injury. Damage to the lower spine can lead to potential paralysis of the lower body, resulting in the need for a wheelchair. The higher up the spine the injury takes place, the greater the risk of serious paralysis and long-term side effects such as pain and limited mobility.

Spinal Cord Injuries Suffered in Uber Accidents Cause a Broad Range of Problems

As mentioned earlier, spinal cord injuries cause more than just a little bit of back pain. Long-term problems can include partial or complete paralysis, nerve damage, blood vessel damage, and limited mobility in the back or other extremities.

4. Serious Burns Caused By an Uber Accident

If the Uber accident leads to a fire, this can result in serious burns on any part of your body. Burns, depending on their degree, can take months or years to completely heal, and they leave you with permanent scars.

Causes of Burn Injuries

Burn injuries occur when a car accident results in a fire. The fire can come from the car engine igniting, an exterior building, or even a downed power line.

When Serious Burns in an Uber Accident Result in Wrongful Death

Serious burns from an Uber accident can lead to serious complications and even be fatal. Losing a loved one to a car accident is hard enough without also having to deal with the legal system. Reach out to certified and well-rated car accident lawyers in Los Angeles to make the process as smooth as possible.

How Burn Injuries Are Classified

  • First-Degree Burns: These burns only affect the top layer of the skin, and they can be treated at home with the proper supplies.
  • Second-Degree Burns: These burns go to the underlayer of the skin, resulting in blistering and thickening of the skin. 
  • Third-Degree Burns: These burns destroy both layers of the skin as well as the nerve layer underneath, and they typically need skin grafts and surgery to heal properly.
  • Fourth-Degree Burns: These burns damage the skin, nerves, fat, muscles, and even the bone. They lead to permanent disfigurement and limited mobility, and they can even be fatal.

5. Neuromuscular Injury Caused By an Uber Accident

Neuromuscular injuries may not be as visual as a broken bone or a burn, but they can have just as big of an impact on your quality of life. Just because you cannot see them does not mean they are not as debilitating as other injuries.

Types of Neuromuscular Injuries:

  • Whiplash
  • Sprained or Torn Tendons
  • Sprained or Ruptured Ligaments

Other Symptoms of Neuromuscular Injuries

  • Headaches
  • Weakness
  • Numbness or Tingling
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Chronic Pain
  • Limited Mobility

Who Is Legally Responsible For My Neuromuscular Injury In An Uber Accident In L.A.?

Legal responsibility for an Uber accident neuromuscular injury falls to the party who was found liable for the accident in the first place. This could be the other driver, Uber, or another third party.

Neuromuscular Injury Caused By an Uber Accident
Neuromuscular Injury Caused By an Uber Accident

6. Loss of a Limb From an Uber Accident

A severe break or burn can lead to the loss of a limb. Losing a limb will have serious long-term consequences and change your life forever. These injuries need to be taken seriously and the proper people held accountable.

What Makes Loss of a Limb High on the List of Worst Injuries

Losing a limb is more than just a cosmetic issue. It will forever change how you live your life and do basic everyday tasks. The surgery to remove a limb also comes with serious risks for complications, which is why it’s considered one of the worst injuries you can sustain.

Who May Be Responsible for Your Loss of Limb in an Uber Accident

Responsibility for the loss of a limb can fall to either the driver, Uber, or even another third party who was involved in the accident.

Los Angeles Uber Accidents Require Special Handling

Car accidents involving Uber drivers can be tricky to navigate in the legal system due to technicalities in Uber’s policies. However, California made a ruling in 2020 that classified Uber drivers as employees of the company rather than independent contractors, which will now make the legal process a little less complicated. You need professional legal help to ensure you get the maximum settlement for your injuries and hold the correct party responsible for the injuries.

What Our Uber Accident Attorneys Will Do to Help

  • Help you in recovering damages from medical bills, long-term care, loss of income, and emotional damages.
  • Handle all communications between opposing attorneys and insurance adjusters.
  • Interview witnesses
  • Consult with experts in the field
  • Investigate the site of the accident and any surveillance footage
  • Create a strong negotiation or settlement plan to get you the maximum compensation

How Compass Law Group Can Help You Recover Damages from Uber Accident Injuries?

Our attorneys at Compass Law Group, LLP will help you recover the damages from your Uber accident, including:

  • Medical Bills
  • Long-Term Rehabilitation and Treatment
  • Loss of Income
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Long-Term Nursing Care
  • Permanent Disability and Scarring
  • Loss of Quality of Life
  • Any Home Alterations You Need to Make it Accessible Again

Don’t Wait — Contact Our Experienced California Uber Accident Attorneys Today

Looking for a team of Los Angeles Uber accident attorneys? Compass Law Group, LLP is your team of expert lawyers who are ready to fight for your rights. We are proud to stand by our clients in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. We work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you do not have to pay us a thing unless we win your case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or to speak with one of our outstanding attorneys.


Find out if you have a case in a few minutes, call us at (310) 289-7126

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